Mechanobiology and Physics of Life in Lyon - June 27th 2022

Cher tous,

Vous êtes les bienvenus à la

5ème édition du workhop 

«Mechanobiology and Physics of Life»

qui se tiendra cette année à 

Lyon, le lundi 27 juin 2022

(Amphi Mérieux, ENS Lyon, Site Monod;

1, place de l'Ecole, 69007 Lyon)


Cinquième édition de «Mécanobiologie et physique de la vie», après 2 années de  pause dû à la crise sanitaire. L'objectif est de fédérer les forces en Région Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes travaillant autour de la thématique émergente de la mécanobiologie. Les thèmes des sessions seront: «des cellules au tissu et au développement», «mécanique subcellulaire» et «pathologies et cancer».

Il est prévu deux orateurs français de renommé internationale :


- Gaëlle Recher (Institut d'Optique d'Aquitaine)

Confined 3D cell culture used for both investigating cell self-organisation and engineering modular tissue units

In both physiological and pathological context, 3D cell cultures are now the new standard for studying cell behaviours and how dependent they are on the 3D context, in comparison with 2D cultures. The diversity of 3D culture has also increased and ranges from arrays of isolated spheroids to bulk cultures of organoids in Matrigel domes. The group has been developing and upgrading a microfluidic-based encapsulation system to produce and grow cell aggregates, confined in hollow alginate capsules. We take advantage of this high-throughput production of spheroids and organoids to question cell-cell interactions in confined environment with custom imaging tools. These approaches lead us to study cell self-organisation depending on the formulation of the cell suspension: whether cells are mixed with solely medium or with extracellular matrix, or whether we add endothelial cells to promote micro-vascularisation. This presentation will end by illustrating the benefits of using pre-assembled building blocks made with both spherical and tubular capsules for manufacturing ‘vascularised’ tissues.


- Julien Derr (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon)

Plant morphogenesis: motions, growth and mechanics 

Although they were already observed as early as 400 years before common era by Androsthenos of Thasos, an admiral of Alexander the Great who reported about the ``sleep movements''  of the tamarind's leaflets and later popularized by Darwin, the active motions of plants were never quantitatively exploited. In this talk, I will try to convince you that plant motions are not only beautiful. They're also important phenomena to observe because they carry information about the very nature of plant growth. The first part of the talk will be a general introduction to plant growth and morphogenetic motions, as well as some observations of the phenomena. In a second part, we will investigate in more detail the case of leaves development for simple or compound leaves. We will show how the rich morphogenetic motions are strongly related to posture regulation mechanisms and mechanosensitivity. Finally, we'll focus on the mechanics of developing plant by looking at force generation associated to motion in tendrils of climbing plants.


Vous êtes invité à participer et / ou à soumettre un résumé.

Les exposés courts et les affiches avec des présentations flash seront sélectionnés parmi les contributions reçues.

Les chercheurs qui ne sont pas encore impliqués dans le domaine sont invités à poser leur candidature afin de présenter leurs recherches et d’indiquer leurs intérêts en mécanobiologie et en physique de la vie.

L'inscription est gratuite mais obligatoire à l'adresse

Pour soumettre une contribution :

Date à retenir :

- pour soumettre un résumé : 10 mai 2022

- pour s'inscrire : 7 juin 2022

Le comité organisateur,

Nicolas Goudemand, Véronique MAGUER-SATTA, Cendrine MOSKALENKO, Jean-Paul RIEU & Charlotte RIVIERE,

Personnes connectées : 2 Vie privée | Accessibilité